As a Group, we comply with the regulations associated with environmental management in the territories where we operate, as well as the environmental obligations derived from our projects. For this reason, in the last four years GEB has not received any sanctions or fines associated with environmental non-compliance.
Environmental Management System
Our commitment to the high environmental performance of our operations and projects materializes in each subsidiary's Environmental Management System (EMS).
We seek to make our operations responsible by using natural resources carefully and sustainably, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, promoting the efficient use of water and energy, and applying the principle of waste hierarchy, promoting the prevention of waste generation and encouraging reuse and recycling. We achieve this through our emissions reduction pathways and our programs for efficient water and energy use and integrated waste management.
We present some data on our environmental management bellow.
Water extraction (ML)
Ton of waste disposed
Finally, it is worth mentioning that in 2023 we received no fines or penalties associated with non-compliance with environmental laws or regulations in the countries where we operate.
Environmental performance