Ethics channel


Mesa de trabajo 1canal etico.png



What is the Ethics Channel?



It is the tool through which Grupo Energía Bogotá, herein GEB, guarantees the rights of all shareholders, managers, employees, contractors, and other stakeholders to report any situations they consider to be potential events related to fraud and/or corruption and unethical behaviors at GEB, aimed at managing and conducting corporate affairs in a transparent and sustainable manner. In addition, this Channel allows making inquiries to help resolve ethical dilemmas, under the guarantee that it is confidential, safe, and reliable. An independent expert third party manages the Channel.



Which are the Ethics Channel's objectives?



  • To detect, through reports, alleged fraud and/or corruption or behaviors in GEB that run against the Group’s ethics, regulations, and standards.
  • To investigate, following Preliminary Verification, any conducts that have been found that allegedly represent acts of fraud or corruption, or that run against the Group’s corporate ethical standards.
  • To address inquiries on ethical dilemmas submitted through the Channel.
  • To remedy or mitigate the risks detected by means of verifications or investigations performed based on reports made through the Ethics Channel.
  • To implement preventive measures in accordance with the risks observed in the verifications or investigations performed based on reports through the Channel.



Through what media are Ethics Channel reports or consultations received?



Toll-free telephone numbers:

Colombia: 01800-518-9191
Perú: 705-22-33
Guatemala: 502-2378-4852


Website: click here to submit your report



Who can submit reports and consultations through the Ethics Channel?



Any GEB manager, employee, shareholder or third party, or any citizen has the right to submit reports and consultations through the Channel.

The report may be submitted anonymously. However, if it is not anonymous, GEB guarantees that the Channel user’s identity will always be protected and the information in the report or inquiry will be confidential, in order to prevent any type of reprisals.



What can be reported through the Channel?



Since the Internal Control and Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy is aimed at fighting all fraud and/or corruption, all actions or conducts related to alleged fraud and/or corruption or unethical behaviors may be reported through the Ethics Channel.


Furthermore, ethical dilemma consultations may be performed.


It is important for you to provide as much information and evidence as possible to facilitate the verification process.


Rumor transmission and dissemination activities without a basis and deliberately false or misleading information that is presented will not be subject to follow-up or review.



How can I follow up on reports or consultations performed through the Ethical Channel?



When you make a report or consultation through the Channel, each reporting or consulting party will be assigned a number; the person will assign a password with which they can follow up on or expand the report or consultation.


GEB will report the result from the preliminary verifications or investigations that are performed, or the answer to your consultation, through the same channel.



GEB Ethics Channel User Manual








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Ethics and compliance program

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