Andrés Baracaldo Sarmiento

Vice President of Growth





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Economist from Universidad de los Andes with an MBA and a Specialization in Finance from the London Business School.


He began his career as an Analyst at Corporación Financiera del Valle (1997) and later at Investment Banking Services S.A. (1998-1999). He then became an Associate at Equipo Latinoamericano (1999-2000). In London, he worked at European Utilities M&A as an Associate (2002-2003) and worked at the Royal Bank of Scotland as Associate Director of the Corporate Finance Sector of Energy and Electricity (2005-2009). Subsequently, at Corporación Financiera Colombiana he served as Executive Director of Investment Banking (2009-2011) and as the Investment Director (2011-2016). In 2016, he joined Interconexión Electrica S.A., ISA, as Vice President of Business Growth and Development.

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