Rafael Pardo

Independent Member - Non-PEP


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Experience in the sector

As Senator of the Republic, he participated in the elaboration and approval of the National Development Plan 2002-2006 "Towards a Community State", in which, among others, the policies for the "Promotion of the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons and mining" were formulated. " In colombia.


Training and professional practice

Economist from the Universidad de los Andes, Urban and Regional Planning Studies at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague and International Relations Studies at Harvard.

He has served as a researcher and director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Development of the Universidad de los Andes, Minister of Defense, Advisor to the Secretary General of the O.E.A., Director of RCN News and the CM& newscast, Senator of the Republic, Presidential Candidate in in 2010, Mayor (E) of Bogotá D.C. in 2014, Minister of Labor and High Advisor to the Presidency for the Post-Conflict.


Additional Boards of Directors to the GEB

Organization Pajonales S.A.S.


Date of birth 11/26/1953


Appointment date

January 31st, 2020


Member of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability and Compensation Committees

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