Fredy Antonio Zuleta

Third alternate to the CEO - No PEP


Fredy Zuleta.png


Civil Engineer from the School of Engineering of Antioquia, Economist from Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia and MSc in Business Economics from Bentley College. He has a long history and outstanding performance in leadership, planning, strategy, human resource and team management in his companies in the public and private sectors. Throughout his career, he has led the development of products and the opening of new infrastructure, energy and services companies and markets in Chile, Brazil, Colombia and Central America. He has held executive positions in important companies such as the General Management of Aguas Antofagasta in Chile, the Presidency of Tracker do Brasil, and the Presidency of EPM Bogotá Aguas, among others.


He is not a Politically Exposed Person (PEP)


Date of birth: 10/10/1967

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